This edition of our online ‘Get Togethers’ explored the science of accelerating human potential and building high performing teams.
Our guests included Glen Carlson, the co-founder of Dent which is a multi-award winning business and leadership development company and Ross Hastings, a director at NeLo Consulting and behavioural science expert who helps transform businesses through the prism of Customer and Employee experiences.
If you want to watch this interview on YouTube click HERE
Check out Dent Global’s website
Check out Dent Global’s Facebook Page
Check out Dent Global’s Twitter Feed
Check out Glen Carlson on Facebook
Check out the Key Person of Influence website
Check out the NeLo Consulting website
Check out Ross Hastings’ Facebook page
Check out Ross Hastings’ Timebirds Instagram page
About Glen Carlson:
Glen Carlson is an award winning entrepreneur and co-founder of Dent.
Dent is a multi-award winning business and leadership development company with structured training programs facilitated by successful business speakers and mentors.
Glen and his team are best known for helping business owners develop an unfair advantage in their industry by effectively creating what he calls a ‘personal monopoly’.
Dent believe there has never been a better time to build a thriving business and a respected personal brand doing something you love.
About Ross Hastings, MSc (MAPPCP):
Founder & Experience Director at NeLo Consulting in Melbourne, Australia.
Ross keeps himself on the cutting edge of Coaching Psychology and Positive Psychology, professionally and academically driven to explore what leads people, and groups of people, to perform to the peak of their potential.
To date, this quest has spanned three continents, working with teams and individuals in business, sport and education and he still loves every minute of it. Outside work, Ross’ passion for exploring human potential doesn’t stop. He enjoy testing himself through various physical exploits and testing others with his dad jokes. Being a proud dad unfortunately gives him an excuse for the latter.
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