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Fast, Furious and Fun with Teams of Four!

Date: 8th November 2020

The ‘Unstoppable’ Online Battle of the Gyms 2020 is on! 

It’ll take more than a pesky pandemic to destroy your dreams! This is a full day of competing from the comfort of your gym along with your mates! 

As usual, teams of 4; All Girls, All Boys of 2 Girls + 2 Boys.

This event is open to international as well – the below timing of events is based on your local time and will be verified via your recording on the WeTime App. 

Kicking off at 7am you’ll have 2 hours to complete each workout (3 hours for Event 1) and submit your scores online (7am // 10am // 1200 noon // 2pm + R U OK? (floating workout)!

You do not need to qualify for this event! Simply choose your division and hit the ‘register’ button below!

What's it all about?

There are 2 divisions for you to choose from; Advanced (Rx) and Intermediate (Scaled).

The Advanced version of this event is for the more advanced teams. It’s the perfect fit for teams who love the thrill of competition and would typically complete daily workouts as they are prescribed

The Intermediate (Scaled) option is suited to those teams which may be new to competing, share a common love of functional fitness, and want to have a bunch of fun

The below are batches of registrations – the sooner you register, the less you pay!

0-100 Rego's101-200 Rego's200+ Rego's

Event 1

Download Standards

The Rower

Time Cap: 45 mins

Workout Flow: Think of this as a ‘free for all’… By that we mean you can organise yourself as you wish so long as the total distance (rower) and rep range (Burpee Box Jump-overs) is met. You can have a pair working on the rower for a pre-determined amount of time or distance whilst the other two chip away at the Burpee Box Jump-overs, or, whatever you like! 


For time, complete the following in any order:

  • 10,000m (4M) / 8,500m (MM/FF) / 7,000 (4F) Row
  • 300 Burpee Box Jump-overs*

M: 24-in | F: 20-in


For time, complete the following in any order:

  • 8,500m (4M) / 7,500m (MM/FF) / 6,500 (4F) Row
  • 275 Burpee Box Jump-overs*

M: 24-in | F: 20-in

*Tiebreak: Time to complete the Burpee Box jump-overs

Note 1: Only 1 rower and 1 box (total) is allowed per team. This applies to mixed teams also so if you’re choosing to split yourself into buddy pairs, it may be best to have the 2 guys and 2 girls in buddy pairs because of the box height

Movement Standards

Rower: The monitor of the rower must be set to zero distance at the beginning of the workout. Teams submitting a video submission for review must ensure that the start and finish distance of the rower monitor is shown and that the athletes are shown getting on and off the rower to ensure continuity. Teams who are unable to produce a video that includes these details may be determined to have an invalid score. 

Burpee Box Jump-overs: The burpee box jump-overs start with the athlete facing the box whilst touching their chest and thighs to the ground, and finishes with the athlete jumping onto and over the box. Both feet must leave the ground at the same time and land on top of the box at the same time. Athletes do not need to stand tall whilst atop the box. The rep is counted when the athlete lands with both feet together on the opposite side of the box. 


The rower must be the Concept 2 brand – either model D or E. 

Only one rower and one box is permitted to be used by each team in this workout. Only two athletes may work at a time, one on the rower and the second on the burpee box jump-overs. If any team decide to utilise a ‘conga line’ strategy on the burpee box jump-overs, they must ensure the athlete in front of them completes the movement (i.e., both feet touching the ground on the opposite side of the box) prior to initiating the burpee portion of the burpee box jump-over. An early start of the burpee will result in a no-rep unless the rep is started over after a miss start. 

The workout begins with the athletes standing tall next to the rower and/or box, not touching either. After the WeTime App counts down to 0, the athletes will start the workout.

For each workout, ensure the athletes have adequate space to safely complete all the movements. Ensure that the area where the workout will be performed is clear of any additional equipment, people or other hazards.

Any athletes who in any way receive physical third party assistance with themselves or the equipment, or who alters the equipment or movements described in this document may incur team penalties and/or may be disqualified from the competition.


Event 2

Download Standards

Double Trouble

Time Cap: 12 mins


Partners 1 & 2 (MM / MF** / FF)

For time, complete:

  • 45 Slam Slam-ball Slams (non working partner holds ball above head)
  • 45 Double Dumbbell Bench Press (non working partner holds dumbbells touching chest)
  • 45 Double Dumbbell Thrusters (non working partner holds dumbbells touching shoulders)

M: 15-kg / 22.5-kg | F: 10-kg / 15-kg

AT THE SAME TIME >> Partners 3 & 4 (MM / MF** / FF)

For time, complete:


  • Synchronized Slam-ball Slams*
  • Synchronized Double Dumbbell Bench Press
  • Synchronized Double Dumbbell Thrusters

M: 15-kg / 22.5-kg | F: 10-kg / 15-kg


Partners 1 & 2 (MM / MF* / FF)

For time, complete:

  • 45 Slam-ball Slams (non working partner holds ball above head)
  • 45 Double Dumbbell Bench Press (non working partner holds dumbbells touching chest)
  • 45 Double Dumbbell Thrusters (non working partner holds dumbbells touching shoulders)

M: 10-kg / 15-kg | F: 8-kg / 10-kg

AT THE SAME TIME >> Partners 3 & 4 (MM / MF / FF)

For time, complete:


  • Synchronized Slam-ball Slams*
  • Synchronized Double Dumbbell Bench Press
  • Synchronized Double Dumbbell Thrusters

M: 10-kg / 15-kg | F: 8-kg / 10-kg

*Tiebreak for overall team score: Completion of 15 Slam-ball Slams

**Mixed Teams are required to split into M/F pairs i.e. not MM/FF 

Note: Finishing time for each pair will be added together to determine the final team score

Movement Standards:

Slam-ball Slams: The slam-ball must be taken from the ground to an overhead position and thrown to the ground. It is not required for the athlete to fully lock out the arms. Before the slam-ball reaches the ground both of the athletes hands must cease contact with the slam-ball. 

The non-working partner of ‘1 & 2’ holding the slam-ball above their head does not need to lock their arms fully but, the slam-ball may not touch the head at any time. Failure to maintain such and/or touch the head with the slam-ball will result in a no rep.

For the synchronised slam-ball slams, partners in ‘3 & 4’ workout, both partners’ must slam the balls to the ground at the same time, and lift them from the ground at the same time. Failure to do so will result in a no rep. 

Double Dumbbell Bench Press: In the double dumbbell bench press both dumbbells must be lowered simultaneously to touch the athlete’s chest/body before returning the arms to being locked out. The athletes must keep their feet and hips in contact with the floor and bench at all times. 

The non-working partner of ‘1 & 2’ holding the dumbbells at their chest must maintain the dumbbells in a horizontal plane i.e. they cannot rest the dumbbells on their chest in a vertical plane. Only one head of each dumbbell can be in contact with the chest. Failure to maintain such will result in a no rep.

For the synchronised double dumbbell bench press, partners in ‘3 & 4’ workout, both partners’ must raise and lower the dumbbells at the same time; to extension and to the chest. Failure to do so will result in a no rep. 

Double Dumbbell Thrusters: Each set of dumbbell thrusters begins with the dumbbells on the ground. A full squat clean, with or without full hip extension, is allowed when the dumbbells are taken from the floor. Athletes must hold the thrusters in the front-rack position during the squat. Dumbbells move from the bottom of a front squat to full lockout overhead. The hip crease must clearly pass below the top of the knees in the bottom position.

The rep is credited when the dumbbells are locked out overhead, with the hips, knees, and arms fully extended; and both dumbbells are directly over or slightly behind the middle of the body. Athletes must continue pressing the weight up until lockout. Re-dipping during the press (i.e. performing a thruster jerk) will result in a no-rep.

The non-working partner of ‘1 & 2’ holding the dumbbells at their shoulders must maintain the dumbbells in a horizontal plane i.e. they cannot rest the dumbbells on their shoulders  in a vertical plane. Only one head of each dumbbell can be in contact with the respective shoulder. Failure to maintain such will result in a no rep.

For the synchronised double dumbbell thrusters, partners in ‘3 & 4’ workout, both partners’ must reach the bottom of the squat at the same time/together and, similarly, must reach the fully locked out position at the same time/together. Failure to do so will result in a no rep.

Event 3

Download Standards

Skips & Ladders 2.0

0:00-4:00 mins: One pair completes workout (A) and the other completes (B)

4:00-5:00 mins: Pairs switch stations

5:00-9:00 mins: Pairs complete opposite stations

Advanced Team

Workout (A) 1 pair (M1/F1) completes, AMRAP in a ‘You Go, I Go’ format

Max Reps Double-unders*

Workout (B) 1 pair (M2/F2) completes for time in a ‘You Go, I Go’ format



M: 60/70/80/90/100-kg

F: 30/40/50/60/70-kg


Intermediate Team

(A) Pair 1 (M1/F1) completes AMRAP in a ‘You Go, I Go’ format

Max Reps High Knee Single-unders*

(B) Pair 2 (M2/F2) completes for time in a ‘You Go, I Go’ format



M: 30/40/50/60/70-kg

F: 25/30/35/40/45-kg

*Teammates must switch each time they break/trip

**Tiebreak: When both teammates finish the first round of 6 Shoulder-to-overhead’s

Movement Standards:

Double-unders: Athletes must  complete the required number of double-unders in which the rope passes under the feet twice for each jump. The rope must spin forward for the rep to count. Only successful jumps will be counted, not attempts.

High Knee Single-unders: Athletes are required to complete the required number of high knee single-unders in which the rope passes completely under the feet once for each jump. Once they begin, only one foot may be in contact with the ground at any time and they must alternate their feet with each revolution of the rope. The rope must spin forward for the rep to count. Only successful jumps will be counted, not attempts.

Shoulder-to-overhead: Each round, for each athlete the barbell must begin on the ground. Each rep begins with the barbell in the front-rack position and the bar in contact with the torso. The barbell must be cleaned up by the athlete each time they take it from the ground – no racks or jerk blocks may be used. Teammates may not physically assist each other.

The rep is credited when the barbell is fully locked out overhead with the athletes arms, hips, and legs extended. The feet must be in line under the body and the bar must be over the centre of the athlete’s body when viewed from profile. 

A press, push press, push jerk or split jerk are permitted as long as the athlete reaches the required finish position.


Teams must set up their barbell and jump rope stations at least 5 metres apart. 

The workout begins with the athletes standing tall with their jump ropes in hand and  barbells on the ground in front of them. After the WeTime App counts down to 0, the athletes will start the workout.

For each workout, be sure the athlete has adequate space to safely complete all the movements. Ensure that the area where the workout will be performed is clear of any additional equipment, people or other hazards.

Any athlete who in any way receives physical third party assistance with themselves or the equipment, or who alters the equipment or movements described in this document may incur team penalties and/or may be disqualified from the competition.

Event 4

Download Standards


Time Cap: 15 mins

Workout flow description at the end.


For time, complete:

  • M2/F2: Assumes Tandem Deadlift Hold*
  • M1/F1: Synchronised 60m Shuttle Sprint**
  • M2/F2: 12 Tandem Deadlifts – finishing in Tandem Deadlift Hold
  • M1/F1: Synchronised 20m Mixed Rack Kettlebell Lunge*** (10m out /10m back)
  • M2/F2: 12 Tandem Deadlifts – finishing in Tandem Deadlift Hold
  • M1/F1: Synchronised 60m Shuttle Sprint**

—————- Pairs Swap Roles —————-

  • M1/F1: Assumes Tandem Deadlift Hold*
  • M2/F2: Synchronised 60m Shuttle Sprint**
  • M1/F1: 12 Tandem Deadlifts – finishing in Tandem Deadlift Hold
  • M2/F2: Synchronised 20m Mixed Rack Kettlebell Lunge (10m out /10m back)
  • M1/F1: 12 Tandem Deadlifts – finishing in Tandem Deadlift Hold
  • M2/F2: Synchronised 60m Shuttle Sprint**

M: 120-kg/20-kg | F: 80-kg/12-kg | Mixed: 100-kg/20-kg/12-kg


For time, complete:

  • M2/F2: Assumes Tandem Deadlift Hold*
  • M1/F1: Synchronised 60m Shuttle Sprint**
  • M2/F2: 12 Tandem Deadlifts – finishing in Tandem Deadlift Hold
  • M1/F1: Synchronised 20m Mixed Rack Kettlebell Lunge*** (10m out /10m back)
  • M2/F2: 12 Tandem Deadlifts – finishing in Tandem Deadlift Hold
  • M1/F1: Synchronised 60m Shuttle Sprint**

—————- Pairs Swap Roles —————-

  • M1/F1: Assumes Tandem Deadlift Hold*
  • M2/F2: Synchronised 60m Shuttle Sprint**
  • M1/F1: 12 Tandem Deadlifts – finishing in Tandem Deadlift Hold
  • M2/F2: Synchronised 20m Mixed Rack Kettlebell Lunge (10m out /10m back)
  • M1/F1: 12 Tandem Deadlifts – finishing in Tandem Deadlift Hold
  • M2/F2: Synchronised 60m Shuttle Sprint**

M: 80-kg/12-kg | F: 55-kg/8-kg | Mixed: 70-kg/12-kg/8-kg

*Tandem Deadlift Hold* – this means both athletes hold the barbell in the finishing position of a deadlift i.e. the hips and knees are fully extended with the shoulders behind the bar and hold that position

**Shuttle Sprint = (4 x 5m) + (4 x 10m)

***Tiebreak: Time to complete lunges for first pair

The flow of this event is as follows:

Mixed Pair #2 assumes Tandem Deadlift Hold*

The timer starts

Mixed Pair #1 complete the syncro sprints
Mixed Pair #2 then complete the Deadlifts and remain at the top of the last lift
Mixed Pair #1 then complete the syncro Kettlebell lunges 
Mixed Pair #2 then complete the Deadlifts and remain at the top of the last lift
Mixed Pair #1 then complete the syncro sprints

—————- Pairs Swap Roles —————-

Mixed Pair #1 assumes Tandem Deadlift Hold*
Mixed Pair #2 complete the syncro sprints etc… Until requirements are met

Movement Standards

Tandem Deadlift Hold: The tandem deadlift hold starts with the barbell on the ground in front of two athletes/a pair. The pair will lift the bar together until the hips and knees are fully extended with the shoulders behind the bar and hold that position. The arms must be straight at all times. It is not permitted to rest or bear the weight of the barbell onto the legs.

Any hand grip style is permitted. This is a ‘conventional’ deadlift, meaning the hands must be positioned outside of the knees. Sumo deadlifts are not permitted.  

Mixed Rack Kettlebell Lunge: 10 metres out /10 metres back. It is required that each 2-metre increment is measured and clearly marked. Each 2-metre increment counts as 1 rep, totalling 10 reps per 20-metre lunge. Each lunge begins with one kettlebell held in the overhead position and the other in the front rack position, the feet together and the athlete standing tall with hips and knees extended. The overhead portion of the lunge is defined as the bottom of the kettlebell being clearly above the crown (highest point) of the head.

The athletes step forward into a lunge position. At the bottom of the overhead lunge, the trailing knee must make contact with the ground with both kettlebells still in the aforementioned position. The rep is credited when the athletes bring the trailing leg forward and the feet are reunited past the designated line with the athlete standing tall with hips and knees extended. If the athlete drops the kettlebells or moves their feet forward without lunging (i.e., shuffle steps) they must return to the last 2-metre increment they successfully passed. 

The athlete must alternate which foot leads for each rep and the arm overhead must be fully locked out at all times during the movement. The athlete may choose which arm is in the extended position and there is no need to switch unless they wish to do so. If they choose to do so, they must cease all forward movement whilst the change is made. 

Stopping with both feet together on the ground is not required, but both legs must be extended if the athlete chooses to step through at the top. ‘Duck walking’ is not prohibited.

Sprints: It is required that the 60-metre shuttle sprints are partitioned as 4 x 5-metre + 4 x 10-metre sprints. This means having 3 cones (or similar marker device) located at:

  • A start/finish line
  • 5-metre mark
  • 10-metre mark 

Together, the athletes will pass the start line and run around the 5-metre marker twice and then around the 10-metre marker twice = 60 metres travelled in total. This partitioning is mandatory to ensure fairness for athletes with access to smaller spaces. 


The workout begins with the athletes standing tall with their equipment and/or start line on the ground in front of them. After the WeTime App counts down to 0, the athlete will start the workout.

For each workout, be sure the athletes have adequate space to safely complete all the movements. Ensure that the area where the workout will be performed is clear of any additional equipment, people or other hazards.

Any athletes who in any way receives physical third party assistance with themselves or the equipment, or who alters the equipment or movements described in this document may incur team penalties and/or may be disqualified from the competition.

Event 5

Download Standards


This is a floating workout which means Teams will have from the end of Event 1 until the end of Event 4 to complete this and upload their results.


On a 5-minute running clock, complete:

  • 0:00 – 1:00: Max Calorie Ski (Partner 1)
  • 1:00 – 2:00: Max reps of Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatch (Partner 1)
  • 1:00 – 2:00: Max Calorie Ski (Partner 2)
  • 2:00 – 3:00: Max reps of Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatch (Partner 2)
  • 2:00 – 3:00: Max Calorie Ski (Partner 3)
  • 3:00 – 4:00: Max reps of Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatch (Partner 3)
  • 3:00 – 4:00: Max Calorie Ski (Partner 4)
  • 4:00 – 5:00: Max reps of Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatch (Partner 4)

M: 22.5-kg | F: 15-kg


On a 5-minute running clock, complete:

  • 0:00 – 1:00: Max Calorie Ski (Partner 1)
  • 1:00 – 2:00: Max reps of Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatch (Partner 1)
  • 1:00 – 2:00: Max Calorie Ski (Partner 2)
  • 2:00 – 3:00: Max reps of Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatch (Partner 2)
  • 2:00 – 3:00: Max Calorie Ski (Partner 3)
  • 3:00 – 4:00: Max reps of Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatch (Partner 3)
  • 3:00 – 4:00: Max Calorie Ski (Partner 4)
  • 4:00 – 5:00: Max reps of Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatch (Partner 4)

M: 15-kg | F: 10-kg

Score: Total reps of each added together 

Tiebreak: Total Team Calories

Movement Standards

Ski-Erg: The monitor of the ski-erg must be set to zero Calories at the beginning of the workout. Teams submitting video submissions for review must ensure that the start and finish Calories of the ski-erg monitor is shown. Teams who are unable to produce a video that includes these details may be determined to have an invalid score. Athletes must operate the Ski-Erg with both hands at all times. 

Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatch: The Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatch starts with the dumbbell on the ground between the athlete’s legs and finishes with the dumbbell directly overhead. At the bottom of the movement, both heads of the dumbbell must touch the ground between the athlete’s legs between repetitions. 

The dumbbell must be lifted overhead in one simultaneous motion. The dumbbell may NOT come into contact with the athlete’s shoulder during the lifting phase of the movement. The dumbbell may touch the shoulder on the lowering phase between repetitions. Bouncing the dumbbell is not permitted. 

At the top, the arms, hips and knees must be fully locked out with the dumbbell clearly over the middle of the athlete’s body when viewed from profile (aka the side). Once the athlete has reached lockout, the repetition will count. The athlete may choose to do a muscle snatch, power snatch or split power snatch so long as the dumbbell is received with the hip crease above parallel. Squat snatch is not permitted. Both feet must be in line with the athlete’s body while the dumbbell is locked out overhead for the repetition to count.



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  • These events will be timed, teams will line up in each heat in relay formats
  • Events will be worth up to 100 points, and teams earn points based on their finishing time
  • The Team with the most points is the winner. Teams who tie receive the same number of points
  • Podium Tiebreaker – If in the event there’s a tie for the 1st, 2nd or 3rd place podium spot the team with the most event wins will earn the spot with the other teams moving down one spot. If they have the same amount of event wins, or both have none at all, they will go head-to-head in a fast, furious and familiar workout…

Terms & Conditions
  • Battle of the Gyms consists of 4 person teams, each person must be aged 16 years or older
  • There are 3 categories of teams; all female, all male and mixed (2 x girls/2 x guys)
  • It will be a combination of land and water-based workouts – swimming will be involved
  • All equipment will be provided
  • Every team will have their own judge to ensure reps and changeovers are completed correctly
  • The overall winner of ‘Battle of the Gyms’ (Rx) and Scaled (Sc) podium finishers will receive True Protein Prize packs valued at over $1,000